肯亞荒旱之戰 (The Battle for Laikipia)[影展開幕片]

Daphne Matziaraki & Peter Murimi|2024|94 min|肯亞 Kenya|臺灣首映 Taiwan Premiere
放映時間(★ 含映後座談):
04/25(五)19:00 ★ @光點華山 A TWO 影廳
05/03(六)11:00 @光點華山 2F 藝文廳
- 入選 2024 聖丹斯影展評審團獎
- 入選 2024 雪梨影展永續未來獎
- 入選卑爾根國際影展最佳人權紀錄片獎
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- 榮獲艾爾古納影展綠星獎
本片記錄了⾃ 2017 年以來,當地不同的⾓⾊如何⾯對瞬息萬變的世界。在這個星球最脆弱的時刻,故事超越了衝突本身,去探索⾝份、英國殖⺠主義的複雜遺緒,是如何與氣候變遷相互交織。
For centuries, Kenya’s Laikipia region has been a grazing route for indigenous pastoralist communities. It is also home to white ranchers and conservationists who settled there during the British colonial era and stayed after Kenya’s independence in 1963.
Since 2017, we have intimately filmed our characters as they confront a rapidly changing world. Laikipia has been feeling the ravaging effects of climate change for decades; the pastoralists, the ranchers and conservancies rely on Laikipia’s grasslands to sustain their cattle and the wildlife.
When drought and elections collide, conflict erupts. Our story goes beyond the headline grabbing conflict. Exploring identity, the complicated legacy of British colonialism, and the intersection with climate change, all while happening during the most fragile moment of our planet.
西伯利亞冰與火 (Paradise)

Alexander Abaturov|2022|88 min|瑞士/法國 Switzerland and France|臺灣首映 Taiwan Premiere
放映時間(★ 含映後座談):
04/26(六)12:30 ★ @光點華山 A TWO 影廳
05/04(日)14:00 ★ @光點華山 2F 藝文廳
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In 2021, an extreme heatwave gave rise to huge wildfires in the vast subarctic forests of Sakha, a northeastern republic in Siberia. The inhabitants of the village of Shologon aren’t expecting any help from the government because Shologon is at the edge of a “control zone”, where the authorities are not required to combat wildfires if the cost of extinguishing them would exceed the cost of estimated damage.
我的白犀牛朋友 (A Rhino's Life)

Rosie Koch & Roland Gockel|2023|52 min|德國 Germany|臺灣首映 Taiwan Premiere
04/27(日)14:10 @光點華山 A TWO 影廳
05/03(六)14:40 @光點華山 2F 藝文廳
- 榮獲德國自然電影獎年度最佳自然電影
This heartfelt documentary tells the story of a family of white rhinos living in Uganda’s Ziwa Sanctuary, going beyond the typical poaching narrative to reveal how these endangered giants of the savannah survive in this unique environment. It also highlights the profound impact of extreme climate on endangered species.
The film focuses on rhino Malaika, showcasing how she teaches her calf Elias to stay safe and healthy after the birth of her new baby. Elias meets his father Moja, who was initially introduced to Ziwa from Solio in Kenya, where there was a severe drought. In Ziwa, the rhinos are able to survive thanks to the ample water from the river. The film also documents Malaika’s birthing process, tracking the early stages of her bonding with her newborn calf Pipo, while also showing the gradual breakdown of her connection with Elias, who struggles to adapt to the changing circumstances. Meanwhile, the drought in Solio finally ends as rain arrives, bringing relief to the rhinos.
冰川回聲 (The Last Ice Age)

Adam Loften & Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee|2024|39 min|美國/冰島 US, Iceland|臺灣首映 Taiwan Premiere
放映時間(★ 含映後座談):
04/27(日)15:30 ★ @光點華山 A TWO 影廳
05/03(六)18:20 ★ @光點華山 2F 藝文廳
As storyteller Andri Snær Magnason puts it, climate change is like a black hole: so big it’s larger than language. We understand it not by looking straight at its center, but by looking at its edges. On a journey retracing his grandparents’ annual spring pilgrimage to Iceland’s Vatnajökull glacier, Andri searches for the stories that lie at the edges of our climate crisis in both scientific data and his family’s memories. Witnessing the inevitable decline of Europe’s largest ice cap with his son Hlynur, Andri pulls on the ties of love that connect past and future generations to grasp what the immense changes he has seen in just one lifetime will mean for the future of the planet.
背水一戰 (Dream to Cure Water)

Ciril Jazbec|2023|22 min|秘魯 Peru|臺灣首映 Taiwan Premiere
放映時間(★ 含映後座談):
04/27(日)17:00 ★ @光點華山 A TWO 影廳
05/04(日)11:00 ★ @光點華山 2F 藝文廳
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Peru is home to 70% of the world’s tropical glaciers, but 40% of their surface area has disappeared in the last fifty years alone.
The glaciers are a crucial water source in Peru. People are forced to adapt as they disappear.
According to Peru’s Natural Institute of Natural Resources, all of the country’s 200 glaciers are under threat. It is feared that all of them will be gone soon.
In the Andes, due to glacier melt, rocks are exposed to the air for the first time in thousands of years. The glacial meltwater now carries acid-heavy metal minerals into the rivers. And from the rivers, to the crops and drinking water for livestock and for people.
This is the story of two remote mountain communities that depend on the water and are trying to fight back against the effects of climate change through innovative adaptation, combining ancestral tradition with state-of-the-art science.
白花(White Flower)

Anna Luy Tan|2023|11 min|美國/台灣 US, Taiwan
放映時間(★ 含映後座談):
04/27(日)17:00 ★ @光點華山 A TWO 影廳
05/04(日)11:00 ★ @光點華山 2F 藝文廳
台灣擁有一些世界上最豐富、生態最重要的珊瑚礁,數十萬年來,豐富多樣的海洋生物在這裡繁衍生息。世界上大約十分之一的海洋物種生活在台灣廣闊的珊瑚礁生態系統網絡中,是其他沿海國家平均數量的近400倍。《白花》帶領觀眾穿越台灣的珊瑚礁,與台灣潛水隊和研究人員一起探索綠島、澎湖、蘭嶼和墾丁的海洋群落。 這部短片揭示了這個充滿活力的生態系統基礎的共生關係系統,同時也揭示了這些生態系統由於不可持續的發展和氣候變化而面臨的威脅。
White Flower explores with Taiwan-based diving teams and researchers as they discover the underwater worlds of Green Island, Penghu, Lanyu, and Kenting. This journey unveils the system of symbiotic relationships that lie at the foundation of these vibrant communities, while also unpacking the threats these ecosystems face due to unsustainable development and climate change.