
島嶼核爆紀事(The Forgotten Nuclear Victims)

Suliane Favennec|2023|56 min|法屬玻里尼西亞 French Polynesia|臺灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

放映時間(★ 含映後座談):
04/26(六)11:00 @光點華山 A TWO 影廳
05/04(日)12:20 ★ @光點華山 2F 藝文廳


  • 入選 2023 FIFO 國際大洋洲紀錄片影展
  • 入選 2023 BIFED 博茲卡達國際生態紀錄片影展
  • 入選 2024 土耳其國際勞工影展
  • 入選 2024 土耳其紀錄片影展
  • 入選 2024 國際黑森林紀錄片影展




From 1950 to 1990, France, the United-States and the United Kingdom dropped hundreds of nuclear bombs on the Pacific islands at the cost of sacrificing the local populations. Each country plays the clock and hopes for the silent disappearance of the victims of the first generation. But the atom leaves more traces than expected. Genetic abnormalities and pathologies appear in new generations. They fight back and take their destiny in hand.

新核能迷局 (Atomic Bamboozle: The False Promise of a Nuclear Renaissance)

Jan Haaken|2023|46 min|美國 US

放映時間(★ 含映後座談):
04/26(六)16:20 ★ @光點華山 A TWO 影廳
05/04(日)18:20 ★ @光點華山 2F 藝文廳


  • 入選 2024 科羅拉多環境電影節
  • 入選 2024 社會正義電影節
  • 榮獲 2024 國際鈾電影節評審團特別獎


隨著美國為了達成零碳排放目標而推動核能發展,核能產業提出SMR作為解決氣候危機的方案,並描繪在不久的將來將會迎來「核能復興」。本片中英屬哥倫比亞大學教授、物理學博士M.V. 拉瑪納(M.V. Ramana)回顧自1950年代至今的核能產業發展,指出核能產業長期以來所遇到的四大挑戰:核電成本、事故風險、核廢料與核武擴散,揭露核能產業如何忽視這些持續存在的問題。


ATOMIC BAMBOOZLE both follows anti-nuclear activists, tribal leaders, scientists and attorneys as they draw lessons from the decades-long campaign to shut down the Trojan Nuclear Power plant in Oregon and documents a new struggle to stop small modular reactors (SMRs) from being built in the Pacific Northwest.

小鎮里奇蘭 (Richland)

Irene LUSZTIG|2023|93 min|美國 US

放映時間(★ 含映後座談):
04/27(日)10:40 @光點華山 A TWO 影廳
05/03(六)16:00 ★ @光點華山 2F 藝文廳


  • 入選 2023 Tribeca FF 美國翠貝卡影展
  • 入選 2023 Sheffield Doc/Fest 英國雪菲爾德紀錄片影展
  • 入選 2024 台灣國際紀錄片影展



Built by the US government to house the Hanford nuclear site workers who manufactured weapons-grade plutonium for the Manhattan Project, Richland, Washington is proud of its heritage as a nuclear company town and proud of the atomic bomb it helped create. RICHLAND offers a prismatic, placemaking portrait of a community staking its identity and future on its nuclear origin story, presenting a timely examination of the habits of thought that normalize the extraordinary violence of the past.

三哩島的母親 (Radioactive: The Women of Three Mile Island)

Heidi Hutner|2023|77 min|美國 US|臺灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

放映時間(★ 含映後座談):
04/27(六)18:30 ★ @光點華山 A TWO 影廳
05/03(六)19:40 ★ @光點華山 2F 藝文廳


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Radioactive: The Women of Three Mile Island is an award-winning film about the 1979 Three Mile Island meltdown — the worst commercial nuclear accident in U.S. history — and its aftermath. It uncovers the never-before-told stories of four intrepid homemakers who take their local community’s case against the plant operator all the way to the Supreme Court — and a young female journalist who’s caught in the radioactive crossfire. RADIOACTIVE features activist and actor Jane Fonda, whose film, THE CHINA SYNDROME (a fictional account of a nuclear meltdown), opened 12 days before the real disaster in Pennsylvania. The film also breaks the story of a radical new health study that may finally expose the truth of the meltdown. For over forty years, the nuclear industry has done everything in their power to cover up their criminal actions, claiming, as they always do, “No one was harmed and nothing significant happened.”