
狼女孩的氣候日記(The Weather Diaries)[影展開幕片]

Kathy Drayton|2020|91 min|澳洲 AU|臺灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

放映時間(★ 含映後座談)

  • 3/10(五)19:00 ★ @光點華山A2影廳
  • 3/18(六)15:10 ★ @光點華山2F藝文廳


《狼女孩的氣候日記》是兩段歷史的交會:一段是氣候變遷的災難性影響與雪梨周圍森林生態系統滅絕的危機,另一段則是導演德雷頓(Kathy Drayton)的女兒瓊斯(Imogen Jones)從孩童邁向成年的旅程。


瓊斯是個深受宮崎駿作品 《魔法公主》 人文主義精神所啟發的孩子。她當時正試圖從音樂學院高中的古典樂,跨界至電子流行音樂家的職涯。這部紀錄片生動描繪出青年世代的氣候焦慮和反省,乃至於中年世代抵抗氣候絕望時的奮進。本片反省氣候問題時,不僅兼顧論述與音樂美學的表現,並在樂觀與悲觀、恐懼與希望、抑鬱與光明間取得巧妙的平衡。

The Weather Diaries is an intimate chronicle of two simultaneous histories: on the one hand the darkly cataclysmic impacts of climate change and the extinction crisis on the forest ecosystems around Sydney, and on the other, the development of Drayton’s daughter, Imogen Jones, from child to adult. Filmed over six years, The Weather Diaries reaches its climax in 2020, as temperatures soar, bushfires rage, and flying fox pups die in record numbers. Drayton ruminates on our failure to value these essential pollinators and the forests they sustain, and reflects on the implications for her daughter Imogen, a girl long inspired by Studio Ghibli’s Princess Mononoke, who’s emerging from the classical confines of the Conservatorium High School to embark on a career as an electronic pop artist. The film strikes a hard-won balance of optimism and pessimism, fear and hope, melancholia and illumination.

氣候出逃(Climate Exodus)

David Baute|2020|54 min|西班牙 ES|臺灣首映 Taiwan Premiere


放映時間(★ 含映後座談)

  • 3/11(六)14:50 @光點華山A2影廳
  • 3/19(日)13:00 ★ @光點華山2F藝文廳


《氣候出逃 》 講述3名分別身處亞洲、非洲、美洲的女性,索瑪、里歐布、瓦內薩因氣候變遷,從日常過生活,淪為求生存的敍事。



CLIMATE EXODUS narrates the tragedy of three women who have lost everything due to climate change. CLIMATE EXODUS narrates the tragedy of three women who have lost everything due to climate change and now emigrate to start a new life. Lobuin struggles every day to find the last water supply so that she can survive in Turkana (Kenya) where it does not rain anymore. Nazma lost her crop in Ghoramara (India) due to the sea level change. Soil salinity has made her land barren. Tornadoes and violent hurricanes punish the Saint Martin Island in the Caribbean where Vanesa has lost her house while her neighbors have lost their lives.

燃燒中的柬埔寨(Cambodia Burning)

Sean Gallagher|2021|7min|柬埔寨KH|臺灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

放映時間(★ 含映後座談)

  • 3/11(六)14:50 @光點華山A2影廳
  • 3/19(日)13:00 ★ @光點華山2F藝文廳


2018 年,柬埔寨北部和中部森林的火災數量不僅創下歷史新高,同年 1 月至 3 月的旱季期間,該國更發生多達 1,800 起火災,遠比東南亞任何一國的火災還多。柬埔寨的地景和文明向來與叢林共存。然而柬埔寨各地的森林砍伐近年來持續惡化,據估計全國僅存 3% 的原始森林。


In 2018, fires burned in record numbers throughout the forests of north and central Cambodia. At their peak during the dry season between January and March, it is estimated up to 1,800 fires were burning in the country, more than in any other country throughout Southeast Asia at that time. Using a unique mix of aerial cinematography and poetry, Cambodia Burning explores the changes in the country’s landscapes brought about by deforestation and forest fires, and the emotional impacts they have had on Cambodian people.


Cecilia Aldarondo|2020年|91 min|美國 US|臺灣首映 Taiwan Premiere


放映時間(★ 含映後座談):

  • 3/11(六)18:50 ★ @光點華山A2影廳
  • 3/19(日)19:20 @光點華山2F藝文廳

本片以 2019 年波多黎各民眾自發推翻美國總督的抗議為背景,描繪2017年五級颶風瑪莉亞登陸波多黎各過後的日常生活、集體創傷與抵抗剝削壓迫的故事。

波多黎各為美國殖民地,亦為各國巨富的避稅港。在新自由主義時代,波多黎各成為美國加速全面私有化政府與公共設建的遊樂場。2008 年全球金融危機後,波多黎各再次面臨勞力密集的中小企業紛紛倒閉。其後,波多黎各殖民政府則以樽節對付勞工、大幅刪減公共支出、大肆舉債為跨國財團紓困,更以全面私有化等手法掏空波多黎各財政。雖然瑪麗亞颶風在波多黎各所造成的破壞,曾短暫引起媒體報導,但當地問題並非始於瑪麗亞,它卻彰顯出財團假藉災後重建之名,大肆私有化當地基礎建設與政府,迫使人民流亡異鄉謀生的機關算盡。


Through shard-like glimpses of everyday life in post-Hurricane María Puerto Rico, Landfall is a cautionary tale for our times. Set against the backdrop of protests that toppled the governor in 2019, the film offers a prismatic portrait of collective trauma and resistance as Puerto Ricans navigate dismantled social services and newcomers eager to profit. A co-production of POV and ITVS, in association with Latino Public Broadcasting. Official Selection, Tribeca Film Festival.

坦尚尼亞生存邊緣戰(The Edge of Existence)

Charlie Luckock & James Suter|2021|89 min|臺灣首映 Taiwan Premiere



  • 3/11(六)21:00 @光點華山A2影廳
  • 3/19(日)11:00 @光點華山2F藝文廳


因近年來氣候變遷影響水源、食物來源,衝擊野生動物生存環境,國家公園境內的物種也出現「氣候迫遷 」現象。這使得野生動物為求生而越界,乃至於攻擊村民,而村民的莊稼在收成前遭到野生動物踐踏、破壞、啃食,結果則是與野生動物比鄰而居的村民為保衛生計而殺害越界的動物。在此情境下,野生動物與村民雙雙成為氣候變遷最直接的受害者。


We set out to document and uncover the untold story of human-wildlife conflict in Africa. This issue is becoming a serious threat to wildlife and conservation areas due to the increasing population and pressures on wilderness areas. It also affects the livelihood of many people, on a daily basis. It is an issue without a simple answer.

The documentary aims to tell the story of key characters on the ground, who face daily challenges in terms of living alongside Africa’s wildlife – we show it from their eyes and to hear their point of view on this topic.

We are focusing only on one area – but this is truly a microcosm of what is happening in Africa as a whole and in many other parts of the world. We follow the Grumeti Fund, navigating through the challenges of human-wildlife conflict and working to find solutions that enable people and wildlife to peacefully co-exist.
