
西維吉尼亞煤礦輓歌(Devil Put The Coal In The Ground)

Peter D. Hutchison & Lucas Sabean|2021|79 min|美國 US|臺灣首映 Taiwan Premiere


放映時間(★ 含映後座談):

  • 3/12(日)18:00 @光點華山A2影廳
  • 3/17(五)19:00 ★ @光點華山2F藝文廳



本片巧妙串連礦業所帶來的生態浩劫、流行病學政治、經濟崩潰,大規模失業、人口外移、類鴉片藥物濫用、政商共生體系等等的社會關係,訪問多個西維吉尼亞礦工家庭在礦業興衰的生命體驗, 並呈現美國底層的工人家庭奮力抵抗絕望的堅定意志,是一個關於企業權力不受約束的警示,也是阿帕拉契山脈的輓歌。

Uniquely structured upon the personal storytelling of native West Virginians, Devil Put The Coal In The Ground is a meditation on the suffering and devastation brought on by the coal industry and it’s decline. From the realities of a crumbling economy, to the ravages of the opioid epidemic, to the irreparable environmental damage and its tragic impact on human health – the film is a cautionary tale of unfettered corporate power, and an elegy to a vanishing Appalachia.

克雷格小鎮記事(Craig, America)

Spruce Tone Films|2021|15 mins|美國 US|臺灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

放映時間(★ 含映後座談):

  • 3/12(日)18:00 @光點華山A2影廳
  • 3/17(五)19:00 ★ @光點華山2F藝文廳


克雷格小鎮位於美國科羅拉多州莫弗特郡(Moffat County),當地的居民高度依賴燃煤電廠所提供的就業機會。許多居民從開始進入勞動市場,一直到退休,都在當地的電廠渡過。當地絕大部分基礎設施皆為電廠而設,相較莫弗特郡平均工資約莫4萬美元,電廠人員平均年收入為10萬美元。不僅是廠內員工,連當地社區居民都能強烈感受燃煤電廠的運作之於當地社區的經濟影響。


A story of transition and renewal in the rural west, Craig, America shares the many perspectives that encompass a community upheld by coal but looks towards a future without it. It brings to life the unique story of Craig, Colorado, and how its people, economy, and community are both resilient and adaptive.

猴硐煤鄉漫遊(A Memory Tour in Houtong Coal Mining Village)

王祥豪、李語寧、湯坤泰、陳靖穎、李佳怡、陳子威|2022|66 min|台灣 TW

放映時間(★ 含映後座談):

  • 3/12(日)15:20 ★ @光點華山A2影廳

臺北科技大學各院系的 20 位同學,透過一學期的 USR(大學社會責任)通識課程,與猴硐礦工文史館合力攝製,完成《猴硐煤鄉漫遊》導覽系列影片。


五支短片串起了猴硐 15 處煤鄉地景。盼為這段以生命去拚搏、用肉身去乘載的勞動記憶留下軌跡,並期以作為日後地方導覽的學習教材,讓煤礦與勞動文史能夠在世代攜手共創的努力下,持續地傳承下去。​

In the heyday of coal mining industry, Houtong, the mining heartland of Taiwan, generated around 220,000 tons of coal each year. As the industry began to decline in the 1990s, the town has seen an exodus of workers and youth.

A group of twenty students from National Taipei University of Technology teamed up with Houtong Coal Miners History Museum to complete a five-episode documentary entitled ‘Guide to Houtong’.

This series first depicts senior coal miners now volunteer as export curators of the museum, briefing about collieries upon which the economy of Taiwan was once built. The film then moves on to highlight 15 scenes while guiding audience to grasp the depth and breadth, heat, darkness, and clouds of coal dust of pits along with coal mining injuries and fatalities. It then delves into stories of stupendous work that miners performed and their bleak working conditions.
