第一屆【氣候臨界影展】Climate Tipping Point Film Festival
全亞洲第一個以「核」為題的影展「#核電影」,在舉辦四屆、邁入第十周年後,轉型成為規模最大的氣候變遷主題影展「#氣候臨界影展」(Climate Tipping Point Film Festival),除了保留原有的核能主題外,更擴大到氣候行動、能源爭議、暖化危機等題材,共集結五大單元、十多部來自義大利、法國、瑞士、台灣、坦尚尼亞、柬埔寨、波多黎各、英國、美國和澳洲等國的電影,記錄了在這全球危機進行式之中,不同地域、族群、世代、文化背景與階級的人們,在各自的傷痛、掙扎與與抵抗之中,如何展現對生命、土地、家園的盼望。
場地協力單位|光點華山電影館、特有種商行、Studio 9
♦ 全程免費索票入場
- 影展每一場次皆為「免費索票入場」,請於開演前20分鐘至放映廳外之氣候臨界影展服務台索取,每人至多索取2張,限當日當場次使用。座位有限,索完為止,票券遺失或毀損恕無法重新補發。
- 請準時於開演前10分鐘憑票入場,自由入座,不劃位。一張票限一人使用。將視入場情況,於開演後5分鐘開始開放現場排隊候補。為維護觀影品質,開演後10分鐘一律不得入場,亦不得換票。
- 依據戲院規定,有部分飲食品項不得攜入影廳,請遵守影展服務台現場公告之入場規則。
- 影片之權利屬於版權所有者,放映過程任何攝影、錄影、錄音行為皆屬違法,主辦單位有權要求違法觀眾刪除攝錄檔案及離場。
- 為影廳內安全與維持逃生動線,請勿逗留、站立或坐在廳內走道與其他非座位區。
- 如有輪椅席需求,可向主辦單位洽詢(gcaa.official@gmail.com)
- 本影展為免費公益性質,主辦方保留調整索票、入場規則及場次資訊之空間,請至綠色公民行動聯盟臉書粉專留意最新公告,或以現場主辦單位公告為準。
A tipping point is a climate science term, indicating a critical threshold. Once crossed, it will inevitably lead to catastrophic and irreversible climate breakdown with the entire system changing from a more stable state to an utterly unpredictable state.
After the planet crosses the critical warming threshold, this will then accelerate the breakdown of ecology, world economy and human civilization, with a socioeconomic system hurtling towards unprecedented catastrophe in human history. Just as the coronavirus knows no borders, the impacts of an increasing warning planet recognize no national borders. They further threaten generations to come.
The biannual Nuclear Film Festival is the first of its kind in Asia. After organizing it for four consecutive events, the festival entered its tenth year in 2023. In response to climate change, which has been triggering both natural disasters and social calamity, Green Citizens’ Action Alliance has decided to rename the festivity Climate Tipping Point Film Festival.
We aim to raise climate awareness, bring to the fore the social causes of catastrophes and then draw the lessons of the sustained social crimes perpetrated by states and multinational corporations that have caused existing conditions.
In addition to retaining the standard theme of anti-nuclear movements along with everything radioactive, the re-branded film festival will cover issues ranging from climate action, the fallacies of profit drives, the immense power of big oil to climate chaos, and more.
From March 11 to March 19 2023, we are going to bring together a total of 15 documentaries from four continents, including countries such as Italy, France, Spain, Britain, Switzerland, South Africa, Cambodia, China, Taiwan, Australia, Puerto Rico along with the United States. These films either feature the way corporations subordinate climate system, ecosystem and the well-being of the masses to the interests of the corporate elite amid an ever deepening political, social crisis or to highlight the life-and-death social and environmental struggles raging across the world as people try to reverse worsening living conditions exacerbated by climate change.
Date: 3/10-3/19
Venue: SPOT-Huashan cinema, Realguts cafe
Rules of Admission
- Tickets are free for all screenings and will be available at the information desk outside the theater 20 minutes before each screening. Each person is limited to 2 tickets maximum. Tickets are only valid for the very next screening. If your tickets are damaged or lost, no replacement tickets will be issued.
- Present your ticket and please be seated 10 minutes before the screening starts. Seats are not numbered. Seat where you please. Be on time as entry will not be permitted 10 minutes after the screening starts.
- Some foods are prohibited in the theater . Refer to the guideline which are posted on the information desk
- During the screening, recording and photography are strictly prohibited. We will ask you to delete any images or recordings and you’ll have to leave the theater.
- To ensure safety, do not block exit routes. Remain seated or go outside.
- If you need a seat for wheelchair, feel free to email us at gcaa.official@gmail.com
- This is a free festival. Information is subject to change. For the latest information, please refer to the FB page of GCAA or inquire at the venue.
