2025 第二屆「氣候臨界影展」4.25 – 5.4

關於 2025「氣候臨界影展」






The Climate Tipping Point Film Festival 2025 will feature 15 films from Kenya, Uganda, Sweden, Finland, Belgium, Russia, Peru, the United States, the Philippines, and Taiwan, and is being organized around three main themes:  “Climate Disaster Maps,” “Transboundary Climate Action,” and “Truth About Nuclear,” which will demonstrate how these stories of life transcend national boundaries, generations, and even species to reflect interconnectedness. These stories about life across borders, generations, and even species highlight the current status of ecology, economics, politics, and society. 



Theme 1: Climate Disaster Maps



The Earth’s system is approaching a tipping point. Science cannot predict when the tipping point will be reached, much less whether it has already been crossed. The next generation of Icelanders will be the last to view the final glacier; and indigenous tribes in Peru may confront a water shortage as a result of melting glaciers. Kenya is in conflict due to drought and rainfall, jeopardizing the existence of the indigenous population. How will the endangered Uganda white rhinoceros adapt to the changing environment? Even Siberia, the planet’s farthest continent, has suffered massive, devastating wildfires. How is the environment impacting the tropical reefs that surround us, which have already reached a critical point? These real-life images from Europe, the Americas, Asia, and Africa together form a striking map of the world’s climate disasters.

《肯亞荒旱之戰》The Battle for Laikipia
《我的白犀牛朋友》A Rhino’s Life
《冰川回聲》The Last Ice Age
《背水一戰》Dream to Cure Water
《白花》White Flower


Theme 2: Transboundary Climate Action





Theme 2 highlights activists who use windsurfing to transport goods, young women from various countries who are at the forefront of climate movements, attorneys who have successfully sued governments and fossil fuel companies, thinkers who have proposed new economic perspectives, and cyclists who investigate issues of climate change, social justice, and urban design while lowering their own CO2 emissions. These films show how global ingenuity and hard work may permit seemingly impossible undertakings, as well as how a diverse group of global forces can come together to form a formidable force against climate change. Working together, we will be able to address the challenges posed by extreme climate change.

《變革之輪》The Engine Inside
《她們的氣候戰役》Sisters in Arms
《氣候訴訟:審判化石燃料》Duty of Care – The Climate Trials
《超越系統》Outgrow the system


Theme 3: Truth About Nuclear




The “doubling” or “tripling” of global nuclear power capacity by 2050 has lately been touted as a “possible scenario” in mainstream media. This year’s Climate Tipping Point Film Festival includes four nuclear-themed documentaries: Radioactive: The Women of Three Mile Island, Atomic Bamboozle: The False Promise of a Nuclear Renaissance, The Forgotten Nuclear Victims, and Richland. These documentaries explore the different phases of the nuclear fuel cycle and the implications, including the impact of nuclear weapons production on indigenous populations, victims of open-air nuclear weapon testing in the Pacific, nuclear disasters at commercial power plants, and the development of small modular reactors (SMRs).

We hope viewers will recognize that even as countries work toward the more urgent goal of net-zero, all discussions about nuclear weapons and nuclear power must be grounded in scientific and historical facts, rather than a seemingly quick fix that will only exacerbate climate chaos.

《島嶼核爆紀事》The Forgotten Nuclear Victims
《新核能迷局》Atomic Bamboozle: The False Promise of a Nuclear Renaissance
《三哩島的母親》Radioactive: The Women of Three Mile Island


  1. 影展每一場次皆為「免費索票入場」,請於開演前20分鐘至放映廳外之氣候臨界影展服務台索取,每人至多索取2張,限當日當場次使用。座位有限,索完為止,票券遺失或毀損恕無法重新補發。
  2. 請準時於開演前10分鐘憑票入場,自由入座,不劃位。一張票限一人使用。將視入場情況,於開演後5分鐘開始開放現場排隊候補入場。為維護觀影品質,開演後10分鐘一律不得入場,亦不得換票。
  3. 依據戱院規定,有部分飲食品項不得攜入影廳,請遵守影展服務台現場公告之入場規則。
  4. 影片之權利屬於版權所有者,放映過程任何攝影、錄影、錄音行為皆屬違法,主辦單位有權要求違法觀眾刪除攝錄檔案及離場。
  5. 為影廳內安全與維持逃生動線,請勿逗留、站立或坐在廳內走道與其他非座位區。
  6. 如有輪椅席需求,可向主辦單位洽詢。(gcaa@gcaa.org.tw
  7. 本影展為免費公益性質,主辦方保留調整索票、入場規則及場次資訊之空間,請至綠色公民行動聯盟臉書粉專留意最新公告,或以現場主辦單位公告為準。
  1. We provide free admission to everyone. Each person is entitled to obtain two tickets 20 minutes before each film of the day begins. Tickets are available at the film festival counter located outside the screening room. Free tickets will be given out on a first come, first served basis. Lost or damaged tickets are not replaced.
  2. Please arrive on time and present your ticket 10 minutes before the film starts. Each ticket can be used by just one person. Depending on ticket availability, tickets are distributed within 10 minutes of the film’s start. Individuals may be denied entrance into a movie after the first 10 minutes in order to provide the best possible experience for all viewers.
  3. Food and beverages are not allowed to be brought into the screening room.
  4. The copyright holder owns the copyright for each film. Any photography, video, or audio recording during the screening event is strictly prohibited, and the organizers of the film festival reserve the right to request that the offending viewer remove the file(s) and leave the venue.
  5. Please do not linger, stand, or sit in the theater’s non-seating areas for your personal safety and to keep the escape route clear.
  6. For wheelchair seating, please email us at gcaa@gcaa.org.tw.
  7. The organizer of the film festival reserves the right to change admission rules, and venue information. Please refer to the latest announcement on Facebook of Green Citizens’ Action Alliance.




